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"Cento Camerelle" well knows also with mane of "Prison of Nerone" was a part of the rare stately villa of the Baian zone, precisely the one of the orator Q. Ortensio Ortalo.
Cento Camerelle consist oftwoo flor not indipendent between them and constructed in different periods; the upper floor, more recent, is situated about 3 meters down. You can see a tufa stone on the bottom wall. Inside there are three lines of parallel pillars that support a vault.
The structure is immerged in tufa stone for about 2 meters.
In the centre of every voult there is a square with brick walls; the lower floor is about 6 meters down. Datable to the Republican age is made of a series of burrow probably explored. On the right the only passageway opens.
It consist of a series of small areas immerged in the tufa stone. The passageway offers a very strinking sight of the sea where ruins of roman structures are still recognizable.