Intro - Campi Flegrei on-line

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Baia is a little wonderful bay situated not far from the gulf of Puteoli enclosed between it’s castle and epitaffio cape. In old times it was one of the most important ports of the rich Greek colony of Cuma.
It was named for the first time in the III B.C when the poet Licofrone tried to reconstruct Odisseo’s peregrinations and there he recognized the place where Baios, Ulisse’s companion was buried according to the legend he the name to this splendid promontory, characterised by hot springs and a mild climate lots are the testimonies of the therapeutic properties of these hot springs.
Later, on its hills, facing the sea sumptuous Roman villas were built and they became the best sea resort, in the last period of republic of Rome and the most important spa of the ancient Italy.
The old private villas became patrimony (property) of the Cesare’s dominions and they give the bay a more beautiful and luxuries look.

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